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Refrigerator Garlic Dill Pickles

Jan's Damn Good Garlic Dills

My friend Kirsten, told me about a great dill pickle recipe a couple of summers ago.Last year I grew pickling cucumbers for the first time. Having just moved here, the garden was quickly thrown together and just as quickly overgrown. I couldn’t find the pickling cucumbers through all the perslane. By the time I found […]

Harvest Weekend

  It began on Friday. I had avoided the garden for two weeks. Physically, mentally, emotionally and any other “ally” you can think of, I was done with the garden. It was an underlying stress though. In the middle of that time period I had a dream about a zucchini in the garden that was […]

Mowing the Lower Acreage

This summer Michael wanted to have someone cut, or “hay”, the lower acreage. This would do a much cleaner job of cutting and removing the grass clippings from the field than the brush-cutter on our tractor, which leaves the cut grass laying on the ground. He thought he would be able to find someone who […]

Zucchini Fries

If you grow zucchini or have ever grown zucchini you know how prolific a producer the plant is. A couple of years ago I ran across a great way to use zucchini. Even those big ones that grow to a large size seemingly overnight. The recipe comes from a very popular blog called “Chocolate Covered […]


Last year I had a hard time harvesting the garden on a daily basis. As a result, I wound up with HUGE pickling cucumbers and zucchini. This year I am more successful at getting out there each day. Hopefully first thing after barn chores so I can get it done before the heat of the […]

How Does Our Garden Grow 2015 Edition

How Does Our Garden Grow 2015 Edition

We have had very unusual weather this year. Not a lot of rain over the winter and spring. No freezing temperatures last winter to kill off bugs. Very hot temperatures since the beginning of June. Thankfully my husband put in a new soaker hose system. It is really great. Rather than having one hose with […]

Basil Cubes

One of the things I needed to harvest this past week was basil. I have five pots of basil and it grows quickly. It was time to preserve it. Long before I ever had anything that could be called a garden (even by city standards) I’ve grown basil. Fresh basil adds so much flavor to […]