After papa goose disappeared Michael thought it was best to replace the field fencing that was around the pond. It was old and had places that the geese were able to get through.

The Saturday after Christmas Michael and the boys took down the old fence and some of the useless posts. They bought new rolls of fencing and some new wooden posts.

Here is the area with the fencing removed and some new posts in place.


The next day, after we went to church, Michael and I went out to put up the fencing.

Each roll of fencing is 330 feet. One roll wasn’t quite enough. We would have to splice a section towards the end.


First we unrolled the whole 330 feet of fencing.


Then you have to stand it up against the posts.


The next step is to stretch the fencing in sections. From one wood post to another.

Rather than buy an expensive stretcher thingy Michael made his own. Two 2 x 4’s screwed together in three places with the fencing between the boards.


Then he hooks up the “come along” (real name) to the board,


and pulls it taut.


Before we undo the “come along” we need to secure the fencing to the wooden post for that section.


I was amazed at how straight that gizmo pulled the fencing. Of course, that is the whole point of that gizmo.

Then comes the fun part. Hooking the fence to each t-post. I tried, I really tried, but I just couldn’t make it work. Michael did all of it (ok, let’s face it…..he did all the work period.)

Here is how it works with someone who knows what they are doing…

Put the hook where you want it,


Twist the one side around the fencing,


Clamp it down and the other side too,


and your done. Three for each t-post.


Doesn’t it look good?


It took us about 5.5 hours to do it. It was dark when we finished. And cold.

I waited until the next day to take these last two pictures (I was cold and hungry)



I might not be a huge help but I sure like working with him.

Another family project completed.

Enjoy the day,
