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Frogs Legs

Joshua has enjoyed hunting bull frogs. They are the only thing that he is allowed to shoot whenever he wants. According to the Department of Fish and Wildlife, bullfrogs are invasive and destructive and should be destroyed. Music to a preteen, gun toting boy’s ears. Usually he gets in the canoe and shoots from that […]

An Observation

I’m not sure if I have talked enough about Halle and food. We have called her our resident foodie in other posts. If you spent time with her you would say that “resident foodie” doesn’t fully express her love of food. When the other goats will turn their noses up at something new, Halle is […]

Mowing the Lower Acreage

This summer Michael wanted to have someone cut, or “hay”, the lower acreage. This would do a much cleaner job of cutting and removing the grass clippings from the field than the brush-cutter on our tractor, which leaves the cut grass laying on the ground. He thought he would be able to find someone who […]

Chickens Don’t Mind Goats

Every morning when I head to the barn I pass the chicken coop and hear the chickens stirring inside. They go to bed early and wake up early ( I can relate to them). Most of the time I open their coop before I open the barn. For a while the chickens have been leaving […]

Two Fewer Goats

On Friday a nice family from Battleground Washington came down and bought Storm and Randy. It was really hard to see them go. I’m so grateful that they both went to the same home. I don’t think I would have sold them to two different homes. Because they are boys most farms don’t keep them. […]

Zucchini Fries

If you grow zucchini or have ever grown zucchini you know how prolific a producer the plant is. A couple of years ago I ran across a great way to use zucchini. Even those big ones that grow to a large size seemingly overnight. The recipe comes from a very popular blog called “Chocolate Covered […]


Last year I had a hard time harvesting the garden on a daily basis. As a result, I wound up with HUGE pickling cucumbers and zucchini. This year I am more successful at getting out there each day. Hopefully first thing after barn chores so I can get it done before the heat of the […]