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Boys and Cars

You remember in the post about the strawberry picking I mentioned that we drove to the strawberry field. I also mentioned that Michael came and joined us. Well, those two things culminated in this post. When we finished picking berries we put the flats in the back. At that point Nicholas decided to plant himself […]

Strawberry Fields Forever

God is good. At the ages of two and three my boys started picking strawberries. They love fruit so much and eat it so quickly that I explained to them they would have to work for their fruit. Those first couple of years they ate more than they put in the buckets but it was […]

The Many Mothers That I Love

I hope that each of you had a great Mother’s Day. Here are my boys coming back from picking me lovely flowers. They often pick me beautiful bouquets. They also made me a delicious breakfast that morning. We decided to go our separate ways this Mother’s Day. Not out of anger or anything like that. […]

We Boys go Camping!!

So, according to the Espalin school calendar, Karen and the boys had a week off of school, Spring Break. I chose to take a week of vacation during that same week. So instead of going to Daytona Beach like we usually do (yeah right), the boys and I had planned to go camping; camping trips are […]

Backyard Camping in March

The boys decided that they wanted to camp by the pond with Dylan on Friday night. The weather has been so unseasonably warm that it was easy to say yes to their request. Our public schools only go to school Monday through Thursday so Dylan is typically over to our house at lunch wanting to […]

Trip to the Gun Range

We are members of a gun range and have been for years. Even though we could shoot on our property , we find that out of respect for our neighbors it is still better to go to the range. The boys have been shooting since probably 5, started out with the air rifle/bb guns, and […]