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A Tale of Two Bucks

A Tale of Two Bucks

It’s breeding season here on the Banks of Salt Creek. It has been just over two years since I experienced my first breeding. I’m practically an old pro now. I watch to make sure it happens. I bring the girls back multiple times a day or two. I guess you could say I’m quite the […]

Chickens Don’t Mind Goats

Every morning when I head to the barn I pass the chicken coop and hear the chickens stirring inside. They go to bed early and wake up early ( I can relate to them). Most of the time I open their coop before I open the barn. For a while the chickens have been leaving […]

Linear Appraisal of our Goats

On June 30th we took our goats to a neighboring farm to participate in a once a year program of the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA) called “Linear Appraisal(L.A.).” I am not an expert on this program but I am striving to learn more. This post will explain what L.A. is and why we chose […]

Update on Babies and Other Stuff

Here they are at four days old. They are so sweet. Halle is producing a lot of milk. For whatever reason the babies are mostly eating on one side. Two times we have had to milk out her left udder because it was full and the right side was really small in comparison. Guess how […]

A Day of Clipping

One more new skill under our belts. Shaving goats. I bet my college professors can’t to that. Goodness, what have I become? Our dear friend Bryn came down for the day to help us shave all of our goats (actually just eight of them, didn’t shave the four “babies”). She brought her aluminum stanchion which […]

Goat Washing Day

Yes, we did it. We washed our goats. Why? On Wednesday we will be clipping them and it is easier to clip them and doesn’t dull your blades as quickly if they are clean when you do it. Let me just say, before you see the pictures, that goats don’t like water. Nigerian Dwarf Goats […]

Randy’s Very Bad Week

There is a cruel rule in the goat world. It says that you always wether any bucks from a first time freshener. That would be Randy. The sweetest little baby boy goat in the world. The reason you wether (fix) a buck from a first time freshener is that the mom isn’t proven as a […]