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Milk Hen

Milk Hen

Some people say that chickens are not smart; I have a Milk Hen that will prove those people wrong. It began with a spill of goat milk. I had accidentally spilled the strip cup milk one morning when one of our Austrolorp hens was in the milking room. She went over to inspect it, and […]

2015 Farm Production Report

2015 Farm Production Report

A happy Monday to you. Isn’t it nice to see blue sky and green plants. Almost makes you feel warm even though it is January. Almost. I thought you might be interested in knowing what Salt Creek Acres grew/produced over the last twelve months. I guess I should clarify. The only things that have been […]

My Kitchen Adventures

I thought I would take some pictures of a few of the things going on in my kitchen. In the photo above, I wanted to make “Triple Berry Scones” from my latest issue of Cooks Country. I was measuring my ingredients when my boys came in and announced that they too wanted to make their […]

Finally, Halle Berry Kids

(If you want to see the pictures in a larger size, especially the ones that are grouped together, just click on one and they  will enlarge) Well now we know that Halle Berry was pregnant. It only took two kids shooting out of her before we were certain. Her timing was impeccable too. Friday June […]


It has been more than three weeks since the babies were born. Tuesday marked the first day of milking Brown Sugar. Monday night Michael locked the babies in a carrier so they would not drink any milk through the night. They are eating some hay now and do not need to be feeding through the […]