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Honda TL125 latest update

So it’s been a couple years since we started this project, and I thought I would add a couple of recent pics of the Honda TL125. Latest additions are model and year correct wheels. New tires. Correct fuel tank. Carburetor and ignition tune-up. Rebuilt front shocks. Here are the last two posts showing the progress. […]

The 2018 Salt Creek Acres Garden.

The 2018 Salt Creek Acres Garden.

Last year the garden was planted and then ignored. Cancer happens and every thing else goes on a back burner. This year we are trying a different method of gardening. We decided to put down garden fabric to control the weeds.  We have a ton of lovely compost and thought it was time to use […]

Mowing the field

So the other night, Joshua and I teamed up to mow the upper pasture. We mow each field after we rotate the goats off them in an effort to reduce any parasites and allow the grass to grow back evenly. I used the John Deere 790 with the 5 foot brush cutter blade and Joshua […]

Our Family is Growing

Buff Orpington

No, not the four legged ones. We are officially all sold out of baby goats. I mean the two legged ones. Baby chicks! Let me back up a bit. Our 15 chickens are over three years old. That means their egg production is decreasing.  We needed to start thinking about what to do with our […]

Braised Beef for Tacos

Braised Beef for Tacos

Braised Beef is my favorite taco meat. We are having this for dinner tonight. I actually made it yesterday before going to Joshua’s last baseball game of the season. I used my timer on one of the wall ovens so it would turn off after three and a half hours. Years ago my dear friend […]

Another fencing project.

We have an area we call the Shire. It is a garden/orchard area, it is really quite pretty with a small ornamental pond, lots of shade, flowering plants and trees, and of course apple trees. We also have some plums, pears and a wonderful cherry tree. We finally replaced the old picket fence that used […]

Blueberries, finally!

Ever since we moved here, we have missed having blueberries. In our last house we had a couple of bushes and really enjoyed them, but hadn’t added them to our little farm here yet. Well, I can say that after almost 4 years, we have blueberries! Well, blueberry bushes that is. We bought 30 plants, […]

Busy bees

Last year we had two bee hives. One was very strong, the other seemed to barely make it through the winter, and at times we really weren’t sure it would last at all. Well I am happy to report that we now have three hives! Below is the original strong hive, it swarmed last year […]

Baby Nigerian Dwarf Doelings for Sale

Baby Nigerian Dwarf Doelings for Sale

Gosh, if only we could keep every goat.  No matter how attached we get to them, they have to go to their new homes. We have 3  doelings for sale, descriptions are on the top of each picture. They are $250/each, and come from good genetics with good history of milking. K1  This beauty is […]